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Vladimir’s work captures imaginary moments and narratives based on emotions, intuition and irrationality. Concepts such as inspiration, obsession, temptation, irony and madness are transformed into concrete and vivid images, where various characters are assembled to interact with each other and their environment. Common occurrences are juxtaposed with absurd and nonsensical situations. The artist attempts to make sense of our own actions and interactions through visual metaphors and humor, often going beyond logic and reason.


The drawings and structures presented at Random Turns originated from sketches, drafts and studio experiments created over the past few years. Some of Vladmir’s works are further explorations of the ideas that took root in his book illustration projects; other times, the compositions were inspired by random occurrences that happened throughout the day. Many of the artworks were created with much consideration for the environment in and around Turn Park Art Space.





Random Turns exhibition installation shots

Opening Reception - September 16. 2023

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